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Sunday 30 September 2018

China's One-Child Policy Homework "Help"

China's One-Child Policy *Explained

Ur welcome guys here to help as always x

Homework "Help" Explained

OK, so I've been thinking and I'm going to make a section of this blog into a section where you can get homework answers directly from me. As I'm a 12-year-old boy, I know all about how hard and annoying homework can be and it really wastes time, so I'm going to use some of my time to put some of my typical homework on to help you out. Feel free to copy and paste anything you like from here to give you a bit more time to do what makes you you.

Homework "help"-- Holes--'Advise The Boys' Help Poster

Here is some homework "Help"
Copy and paste if you want to!! E-x😉
Advice for the Warden😥 
Obey her 
When you are experiencing The Warden, always obey her and do what she says. If you don’t then she will crack down on you pretty hard 
Don't Answer Back 
If you answer her back then she will not be happy with you. Remember that she is mostly in control of your life and could make or break your life. 
Don’t lie 
Have some integrity! If you lie, she will find out somehow. And when she does, it won’t go well for you at all and you may have to dig 2 holes in one day as a punishment. 
Respect Her 
You have to respect her because you have done something wrong so you have been sent here to Camp Green Lake to learn to be a better person, so you have to respect your elders so you can have a good time. 

Give Her What She Wants 
You should do this because if you fail to then you will not have a very happy time there. If she asks for something you give it to her or else. Even if she wants you to be tight to someone else or even rat them out, because the consequences will be worse then if you hide information from her. 
Don’t Underestimate Her 
The Warden sees all. She knows everything, and don’t think for a minute that if you do anything against the rules she won’t notice. She will. And it won’t be good for her.

Friday 13 July 2018


Hi I'm new to Blogspot on the new version so could you comment with tips thx my loyal followers will make me me.😘😘